You Make music Possible

For nearly two decades, PCE has been bringing vibrant music and fresh, thought-provoking programs to the DC area.

Through it all, we've depended on the support of our audience and donors — people like you — to help us remain one of the country's most innovative groups.

You don't just make live music possible — you make being a musician possible, you make new compositions possible, you make ground-breaking PCE albums and broadcasts possible. By helping us think and create beyond the conventional, you provide vital support.

Please donate today! No amount is too small for us to call you our Patron of the Arts.

Make an IRA Charitable Distribution

If you have an IRA and are 72 years old or older, you may give a distribution from your IRA directly to PostClassical Ensemble without having to pay the federal income tax. This is a simple, no hassle way to support PCE. We can provide you with a free template ask letter that you may use to request a charitable distribution from your individual retirement account.

Request a Legacy Gift

Either by making a gift through your will or living trust or creating a charity remainder annuity trust (CRAT), you can support great music for years to come. Talk to your estate planning attorney about simple wording you can include in your will or living trust. For example:

After fulfilling all other provisions, I hereby give, devise and bequeath to PostClassical Ensemble (Federal Tax ID: #46-0465103) a charitable organization duly incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia and located at 5104 44th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20016, _____% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate [or $____ if specific amount].

Always seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor

Email David Mozur, Executive Director, at with questions or for more information.